
      Gas Filtration and Separation - Transair-Legris

      Centro carries a complete online selection of gas filtration products to meet your needs. Whether you're looking for compressed air filtration or FRLs, we have the right product. Our gas vessels and coalescers...

      Categories from Transair-Legris (3)
      Parts and Accessories

      Compressed air parts and accessories encompass a wide range of components that enhance the functionality and performance of pneumatic systems. From connectors and hoses to couplers and regulators, these accessories are pivotal in optimizing the operation of compressed air systems. They are utilized across various industries and applications, ensuring the reliability and efficiency of pneumatic equipment.


      Compressed air drains are essential components in air compressor systems, designed to remove condensate and moisture from the compressed air, ensuring the delivery of clean and dry air. These drains are crucial in preventing damage to pneumatic equipment and maintaining system efficiency. Compressed air drains are widely used in various applications, offering effective moisture removal and improved performance.

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