Photoelectric Sensors, Vision and Safety Systems
SICK is an esteemed leader in sensor manufacturing, offering cutting-edge solutions for a broad spectrum of industrial automation applications, spanning from factory automation to logistics automation and process automation. SICK's position as one of the world's premier sensor manufacturers underscores its unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence.
ÂAt the forefron...
Sick Featured Product
- In the current environment, monitoring occupancy levels has gained significant importance. Whether in public spaces or private businesses, having an accurate count of individuals inside a facility is crucial for various reasons. LiDAR technology emerges as one of the most effective methods for reliable people counting within your premises. SICK introduces the cutting-edge PeopleCounter SensorApp in conjunction with the MRS1000 3D LiDAR sensor, providing you with precise measurements of individuals entering and exiting your facility, surpassing the capabilities of other comparable products.