Compact Air Cylinders and Valves
Centro is a trusted distributor of Fabco-Air. With a legacy spanning over half a century, Fabco has consistently excelled in crafting top-tier pneumatic components, integrating cutting-edge engineering and manufacturing technologies into every product. Their extensive portfolio includes a diverse range of compact air cylinders, precision valves, and complementary pneumatic solutions.
 ...When it comes to shearing, punching or broaching applications, you’ll need a lot of force to do the job — especially if it involves metal workpieces. But obtaining that muscle adds a lot of headaches to what should be a simple setup. For example, high-pressure hydraulics can give you the force you need, but they can make a mess and add expensive equipment to your system. And, pneumatic cylinders come with the challenge of obtaining enough compressed air to do the job. Fabco’s Multi-Power® cylinders are a clean option that can deliver the high force you need while still economizing on space and air requirements.
In the high-speed, high-volume packaging industry, automated systems and robots are used widely to maximize output and efficiency. If you’re building or upgrading packaging machines and systems to keep pace with aggressive production goals, the components you choose must provide precise, reliable, around-the-clock operation. Fabco-Air’s durable pneumatic slides, cylinders and grippers are designed to deliver reliability and precision so your packaging equipment can run nonstop and achieve maximum productivity.