Industrial Filtration - Eaton
Industrial filtration protects equipment, workers, and customers from harmful contaminants, purifies air, gas, and water, and separates and isolates products. It is used in various processes, including membrane fil...
Basket strainers are essential in fluid handling systems, designed to remove solid particles and debris from liquids. These strainers consist of a perforated basket or screen that traps impurities while allowing the clean liquid to flow through. Basket strainers find application in various industries to ensure the protection and efficient operation of equipment and processes.
Y strainers are essential components in fluid systems, designed to remove solid particles and debris from the flow of liquids. They feature a Y-shaped body with a screen or mesh that traps impurities, ensuring that only clean fluids pass through. Y strainers are widely used in various industries to protect equipment, valves, and pipelines from potential damage caused by contaminants.
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